Hub Of Islamic Quotes

Hub of Islamic Quotes

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Islamic Sabr Quote

Islamic Sabr Quote

Sabr means restraining the self from agitation when confronted with undesir­ables.
Quran says,
..And be patient and persevering, for Allah is with those who patiently persevere. ( Holy Qur'an, 8: 46)

 As long as a person feels inner anguish over the misfortunes and hardships of life, his ma’rifah (gnosis) of God remains deficient. When a person achieves contentment (rida) and satisfaction at the misfortunes and adverse conditions, his soul reaches a higher station of nearness to God. Sabr in regard to abstinence from sins and fulfilment of duties (ta'at) is related to deficient knowledge of the secrets of ‘ibadat (worship) and the hereafter forms of acts of sin and obedience.

Islamic Sabr Quote

O you have believed, seek help through patience and prayer.Indeed Allah is with the patient.
A person who always pass through his troublesome time with the thankfulness of Allah and sabr is always blessed by great reward.In this way, they are successful.

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